By popular request, I've submitted the frilly pantsuit mesh in separate pieces. I won't be doing this much again if at all, because it took quite a bit of time and work since I had to reshape the pieces so that the waist matches up with other meshes. This mesh is the top and corset over the composite layer. There is also a version with just the composite top and the corset where the corset is tighter because there is no top layer between it and the body.

As with most of my meshes the dress layers over top of the skin composite layer and mapped with my easy to use ez map technique where everything possible is stitched together for minimal texture aligning and maximum detail.

This item is meant for derivation purposes only. DO NOT BUY it unless you actually want a plain colored top.

Clipping occurs at some joints in some poses, mostly the shoulders and top of the thighs. This happens with any layered clothing and the best way to deal with it if it bothers you is to make sure the under layer matched the top in the problem areas.