Voice Record April 25th, 2517....

Now that things have calmed down and I was able to catch you up on the current happenings of what has been going on recently I can back track a few months and inform you of some men that I have had the pleasure of coming across. The first that sticks out in my mind I first encountered not long after I began this trudge across this barren waste land I call home.

He was a gentle man from what I was able to learn over the short period of time we were able to speak and it seems he was able to fit himself attire out of the same place I did my first coat. Great minds do think alike, though I do wish I had questioned him on his name, it eludes me currently. Perhaps one day we will cross paths again.

He had fashioned a tank top and shorts out of some burgundy leathers, though I do think at one point they were much more vibrant. Last I eyes on him they were rather faded but that does happen in this harsh environment. He was lucky in the respect that his coat did not have to be fashioned to the rest of his clothing and covered him more fully than mine did, I am sure it was nice to be able to remove such attire during the hellish days we have to face. He also wore a pair of boots he had constructed out of the same materials as the rest of his attire. It seems boots are the only way to do in this day and age, anything else would be suicide.

This voice recording will repeat for all Apocalypse Male Items.

End voice record for April 25th, 2517.

J. out.

Hair: T3 Kyu-Vamp
Eyes:Bloodlust Red Demon Eyes
Skin:050° Enhanced

Female Counter Part

[J] Apocalypse