Don't like the Metal look? Want more Barbs? Less Bards? A new Girlfriend? Can't help you with the Girlfriend, but you can Derive the Tentacles and change them in any way you want. Even better, you can sell your creations, for a bit more then what I charge, and keep the profit for yourself. How's that for a deal?

Here's the Templates you'll need to get started:

This is the Color Map for the Tentacle Body that I used to make the version you see here. Use this to make simple changes:

This is the Wireframe that shows you how the image fits onto the model itself. Use this to make completely new skins for the Tentacles:

This is the Color Map for the Spines. The center spine is repeated all down the Tentacle shaft, where as the first and third spines appear only at either end:

This is the Opacity Map for the Spines. Anything White is solid, anything Black is invisible:

This is the Wireframe for the Spines, in case you want to know exactly how the spines are mapped. Keep in mind, the center area is repeated many times:
