Recording Studio Room:
A one-room music studio recording room.
The room has a lower walls in a pattern walnut wood with the upper walls in an abstract blue paint desgin.
One wall as the door leading to the muscians room with a light button at the top to signify if recording is happening.
There are two chairs at the recording desk. Each chair has black legs with wheels for easier moblity(they dont move really) and have a cushioned back and seat made from a dark blue chenille with a brushed pattern.
The recording desk as a lcd lighted keyboard for easier viewing.
The reording insturments are high-tech and very easy to use with a dual pannel computer screen for viewing the quality of the music or vocals.
The desk is made of black laquer and reflects lighting and shadows from the rows of over-head lights.
The room is mostly for use at the desk and the walls are for scenic purposes with a little blurring due to the pixel useage.
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