A set of claws for female avatars made to the same pitch-black theme as all of my shadow products. Extend and retract them at will, even use them to attack.

These claws are retracted by default, and can be bought as part of any of my female outfit bundles. Just remember to try them before you buy, as there will be no refunds given.


Once you've used this product don't forget to leave a review. If you have any technical problems with this, please send a message to my homepage describing the problem in detail so that I may attempt to resolve it. I make no guarantees as to the success of such attempts.

04-Sep-2010: Updating the name from "Ret. Shadow Nails Female" to "Ret. Shadow Claws Female" for consistency's sake. (I originally meant to use this name, but apparently my brain was out to lunch at the time. O.o)