Sanctuary. Beset on all sides by foes and the hazards of a twilight existance, the undead value sanctuary very highly. Whether it's to defend themselves from enemies, to insulate themselves from the clamor of the mortal world or simply to spend some time in solitude and contemplation, the Night Lord's Apartments fulfills the need for sanctuary of all kinds. Its many rooms feature walls and floors of rare hardwoods, stone tile and even precious amber all in rich shades of red and black. Titanium-ceramic laminate blackout blinds within the casements of all windows prevent the entry of both the sun's harmful rays and other potential assaults...
Update: New (and far better in my opinion) texture for the front door, see updated third screenshot below.
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These apartments were derived from the talented caleb68's Simple Apartment. Other featured furnishings are kryssyangl2's Chinese low tea table; caleb68's Bone Chandelier, Bone Throne and Throne and Pose II.