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Theatre du Loup Rouge

This huge, UNFURNISHED room was originally intended to serve as a kind of showroom, thus it sports a generous amount of floor, wall, and ceiling nodes.

[FLAVOR TEXT BEGINS] According to the police records of the time, Beauford A. Prufrock changed his name to Etienne du Loup Rouge after inheriting his father's fortune. J.A. Prufrock, Sr., became a wealthy fish trader and hoped that his sickly son would continue the business after he died. Beauford's sensitive spirit would have none of it. He sold the business, and decided to pursue his passion for drama and art by purchasing the Phineas Nicklebottom Theater, restoring it to its former Edwardian glory, and renaming it the Theatre du Loup Rouge, or Theater of the Red Wolf. After many years, and the advent of cinema, people frequented it less and less until he was forced to close its doors. Frustrated, Etienne sold his luxurious apartment, retired fom the "burgeois world" as he called it , and made the theater his permanent residence.

etienne gasps

It was during one of his bouts of depression and drunkenness that he accidentally discovered a secret compartment at the back of the stage, with the journal of the original builder of the theater, together with a strange and obviously ancient tome. Etienne discovered that Phineas Nicklebottom's great-grandfather was actually called Ernst Schwartzteufel, an occultist. It is after this turn of events that the jornals become sketchy. Thay say that Etienne used part of his waning fortunes to restore the insides of the theater to their REAL original looks (which were scraped and painted over by Ernst's son Siegfried before he changed his name to John Nicklebottom). It says that strange noises would come out of the theater certain nights during the year, and the place attained the reputation of being haunted.

After ten years of not paying his taxes, the IRS finally decided to send down a team of officers to demand Etienne his dues. What they discovered when they forced the doors of the theater open has been struck from the police records, but it is said that one IRS officer died on the spot of a stroke, while another spent the rest of his days in an asylum for the insane. Due to pressure from art historians and other enlightened community leaders, the theater still stands to this day. However, it remains empty, unused, and silent. [FLAVOR TEXT ENDS]

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