THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL WINTER ROOM WITH MILLIONS OF POSSIBILITIES, BUILD A SMALL TOWN, OR LARGE, A VACATION GETAWAY, WINTER FISHING RESORT, YOU NAME IT... ENJOY! 2 separate car driving nodes, 1 long sailing node, 1 horse riding node. Always move the furniture item onto the node first without holding ctrl or shift, and only after that, you can rotate and slide it as you wish. ***TRIGGERS FOR SAIL BOAT near DECK are:/// sail1, sail2, sailstop*** ***TRIGGERS FOR HORSE near OCEAN BRIDGE are: /// walkh, runh, stoph*** ***TRIGGERS FOR CAR/TRUCKS near UNDER MOUNTAIN TUNNEL are: drive1, drive11, stop1*** Triggers for second driver on the road, near one of the sea bridges are: drive2, drive22, stop2***