A gorgeous greek coliseum nestled high above athens with a beautiful evening city view. The room has beams made of almond and rose marble with images of gods burned right in! They are so opulent you can't miss the detail! A streaming golden fountain with an authentic jewelled symbol from the Greek Goddess Hecate adorns the front and rear. The pool itself is inlaid with a deep marble and is flowing with lavender water. So Opulent! The cherry blossom collection is a perfect match for this room. This room also makes a perfect setting for you r catwalk - host a fashion show here!.

This room has over This room has 650 furniture positions and 12 Avatar, allowing you full flexibility with the positioning of pose spots and funiture. There are also 6 Standing in-line / 6 Sitting around spa / 650 Furniture Nodes (No wall nodes). Thanks to Prince Charming for creating this wonderful mesh!