Be sure to check out my newest control product - Leg Control Triggers!
Over 40,000 sold! Price Drop! Now you can look wherever you want to! When wearing this product, you can type one of the triggers below to look in any direction for 10 seconds. If you add a plus-symbol (+) at the end of the trigger, your avatar will hold this eye position for 1 minute. It works best with static poses, but it will try to blend in with animated poses the best it can.
You'll notice the code for the triggers:
Where might you use a product like this?
NOTE: I have a one-pepper review, so I looked into it. It turns out that some "Mesh Heads" prevent you from moving your eyes at all. If you're using a Mesh Head, try it out first before buying it.
Go ahead and try it out! I've set up a little demo below to give you an idea how these eye control triggers work.