The Mini computer that Sailor Mercury uses in the anime Sailor Moon

Action Triggers:

Attack Sound Triggers:
*mbb - Mercury Bubbles Blast (English)
*misb - Mercury Ice Storm Blast (English)
*ss - Shabon Spray (Japanese)
*ssf - Shabon Spray Freezing (Japanese)
*dssf - Double Shabon Spray Freezing (Japanese)
*sai - Shine Aqua Illusion (Japanese)
*mar - Mercury Aqua Rhapsody (Japanese)
*mam - Mercury Aqua Mirage (Japanese)

Transformation Sound Triggers:
*mpe - Mercury Power (English)
*mspe - Mercury Star Power (English)
*mpj - Mercury Power (Japanese)
*mspj - Mercury Star Power (Japanese)
*mcpj - Mercury Crystal Power (Japanese)

Misc. Sound Triggers:
*scream - Ami screaming
*heykitty - Ami saying "You sure gave me a start, kitty what are you doing playing lion in the Serengeti?

Better Pictures to come
M/F Compatible

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