4u Dance Floor Spinning

This is a big amazing dance stage which has perfect animation, eleven people can dance together at the same time, hope you will have a lot of fun with it. The dance spot in the middle is wild fast and a bit slower on the outside, this stage spins so will make you light headed, be careful of wearing slippery shoes on this, I can not be held liable for anyone that slips off and does damage to themselves. Do not use when drunk or on .

This is a big furniture item, notice the price :) Think of it more like you are adding 5 furniture items to a scene not one, so keep it light on the other furniture you have out especially if inviting friends in.

Seen above in my Midnight Pool Party Scene this dance floor will work in any furniture enabled room, its quiet big though so not really suitable for small rooms unless you take everything out

Blue Dome Night Club Blue Butterfly Room
Aqulivon Life Villa Blue Castle Room