Dark Scientist Nilnomen came, sneaking behind Omnicron, and returning to the past with him, like a hidden parasite. Word of Omnicron's attempt to stop the Dark Scientists had leaked out, and the military of their time looked for him. Nilnomen, one of the Dark Scientists, was he who personally went back to attempt to foil Omnicron, whose attempts to keep the future safe by protecting the past was a cause for fear in the Dark Scientists. If Omnicron prevented the dark sciences from coming about, they would not exist, which would cause Omnicron to have no need to go to the past in the altered universe, thus keeping him from stopping the dark science's formation. In order to preserve the timeline, Nilnomen took it upon himself to ensure Omnicron failed... but whether that would be accomplished or nit, it is hard to say.

Nilnomen has a strong intellect, and is very resourceful with the machines and computers of our time, and will stop at nothing to stop Omnicron. He does not seek to conquer this time, however: that would disrupt it more than Omnicron's heroics would, and the Dark Scientists want to minimize damage to the timeline as much as possible. Nilnomen also possesses a weaker form of telekinesis than Omnicron, and thus will be more willing to rely on mechanical means to try to defeat him. He is not below using biological warfare against Omnicron, but he has yet to invent a proper way to protect himself from the diseases of this era, the same as Omnicron.