Orange Plastic Mini Skirt.
100% MCG Compliant... Fully Tested and meets VGP and MCG Requirements.

Please refer to the display/preview pix to know what color/style you are buying/trying on.

Products in Image? Shop as much as I do, and then you'll know too =P

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Badge on Homepage, you want it? WORK for it. No page embedding for you lot. My minions like it filthy and fiesty. muahaha!

Slow down the freaking fast animated icons & banners!
I'm really tired of getting migraines, seizures, and general eyeball bleeding
just so you people can "pretend" these animated abominations
actually bring in more sales.
Point a laser pointer into your eyeball and then turn it on and off repeatedly for about an hour,
then talk to me about "what's the big deal about fast animations?"

Images© Splattertude™ 2010