This is the Red Hot version of the LEGENDARY rounded solid body electric guitar.

This IMVU version is equipped with 6 sounds. Two of the 6 are loops, which means they will play FOREVER until you unload the guitar from your avatar scene or until you exit IMVU (same thing I guess).

Sound triggers are:

guitar -

guitar1 -

guitar2 -

guitar3 -

guitar4 -

guitar5 -

(unload the guitar from the scene to stop the loop)

plus, if you use the 'guitar' trigger word, your avatar will do the "Air Guitar" movement while the sound clip plays.

If you don't own a RED guitar yet, you NEED one. This is a classic electric guitar collector color, like having a red sports car!

GET the complete Red Hot Guitar collection:

V-shaped. Rounded Solidbody Rocker

Customers photos with their Red Hot solidbody:
JBizzle69, tommy (muse with maria)
tommy with maria
if you're a customer and want your pic with your guitar here, send me a msg and make it easy for me to find it so i can link it to here

TommyMuse Designs