These teeth were derived from Arachinidia, thanks for the great derivation Arachinidia
and also for the instructions and tips about the different heads
which is where I copied the below information from.
Because of the unique supernatural whiteness of my bloodline skins, these Fangs have been specially calibrated to work with all of
>Arachnidias Bloodline skins
Bloodline is a series of products designed for the discerning modern vampire.
They have a different personality for each different head type...

Jen and Asian (type 3) Head: They stay
completely hidden until you laugh, smile, or open
your mouth, and even then remain subtle.

Ellen Head: There are some clipping issues with the idle smile animation, so I reccommend
using the "serious mood" product to minimize fangs poking through your lips at weird
places. The fangs are also extremely long on this head,
so the effect is quite dramatic when you open your mouth.

Goddess/Athena Head: The fangs poke out pretty much all the time on this head,and are
also very long. There are some minor clipping issues, but nothing too serious.

Head 4: My head of choice for fangs. They stay hidden at all times, until you open your
mouth. They are long enough to not be subtle, but short enough to not be obtrusive.

Default head: The idle smile animation makes the fangs poke out in a really cute way, but
otherwise, they stay hidden for the most part. Also long, for a dramatic effect when you
open your mouth.

Head 2: This head looks a little wierd, because the "normal" teeth are set so far back in
the head, and the fangs are not.
They still work passably, but they look a little odd.
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