
The following Textures belong to Nams. These textures may only be used when deriving Nams. If my textures are found anywhere else it will result in a DMCA without warning. Thank you

The med charm nails has a larger charm map size than the others and map size will increase the longer the nails get. So basically its just resizing the black and white squares opacity picture longer vertically and that fixes the mesh morph. Then u add charms like normal. I resized it in the description already but it can be made longer if u need it. 512 by 320 is the size. Same goes for the nail maps, the longer the nail the longer the nail map should be to prevent morph. Simple nail textures are fine small. I prefer bigger for detailed nails because its more pixels to work with.


(Charm Opactiy) Keep this image size or make it longer vertically if it warps. Long nails require longer charm maps


Only to be used on Nams. Failure to do so will result to DMCA Takedown.

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