This is a derivable mesh product

(no refunds given)

This item is the mesh for large cake made up of 5 tiers, for example a great wedding or birthday cake.
It uses a different texture for every tier top and side, one texture for all the plates, and one for the central pole.

And best of all: The top of the cake constantly throws sparkles into the air (a particle effect, so watch that blended hair and clothes)
You have my permission to use the sparkle texture map for your own derivations of this cake.

Derivable 5 Tier Cake with Sparkles

All textures are based on 256x256 squares, although the tier sides do not use the complete maps.:
the width of the texture is placed over a quarter of a tiers surface and reproduced around the whole circle. The height of the texture can be read from the number of red lines, which correspond to the following template:

See here what has been derived from this

This mesh is presented to you as a collaborative effort with:

DragaNoctis - Hell's Kitchen, Culinary Collection
Sivana XIII - engineering the void