Template1 - fem
Skinnyboy Skinny Jeans

Tight fitted black denim jeans with studded belt. They have extra length at the bottom and the fabric is slightly crinkled for a realstic look.
Made in the Skinnyboy bodyshape - the arms and legs are slender, the waist and chest are thinner, the hips slightly curvy and the butt rounded.
This product is derivable! See instructions below.

All products in the above images can be found in my Catalogue.

Instructions for deriving:
Use the templates linked to below to create your textures. The templates for both materials are matched seamlessly so that you can use the same texture for both materials. Both materials are opacity enabled.

Skintight pants
Pant legs
Pant and leg maps combined
(you can just use this to make your texture for both materials)

Free opacity map!
(for use with derivations from this mesh only)
Free shaded map!
(to help with texturing the folds in the fabric, for use with derivations from this mesh only)

Please do not use my textures or set your derivation to derivable.
Be creative and have fun!

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