TEST hair and clothes to see if they disappear BEFORE BEING EMBARRASSED! (See pictures below.) The Vanishing Hair Spotlight is a strong test for disappearing items, to the best of my knowledge identifying ALL problem clothing and hair. You can also test accessories and small furniture items. Or put it in your room as a gag on unsuspecting visitors! This product is designed as a wall lamp.

[To test hair and clothing items BEFORE BUYING them, also get the Vanishing Hair Tester Accessory (sold separately), an accessory item that identifies SOME (not all) disappearing items to also help you save credits.]

Click this button to try the Vanishing Hair Spotlight! Then click on the gold dot on the floor beneath the spotlight ... and watch IMVU's default hair disappear! (As of 1/28/10 IMVU version.)

ABOVE: In the first picture, an avatar is shown standing outside the spotlight range, dressed in hair and a skirt that sometimes vanish. (Depending on the item tested, skin or undergarments may appear when an item vanishes.) In the second picture, the avatar is placed directly under the spotlight, making the problem obvious. Make sure you look all of the way around the item. The angle of view can make a difference in the test (see below).

Below: The avatar is still directly under the spotlight, but the change in viewing angle causes the clothing to reappear. If the item tested disappears at ANY angle, it may vanish on you at other times too.

Below: Close-up view of the Vanishing Hair Spotlight:

To use the Vanishing Hair Spotlight:


AnakaTarren’s Trigger Word List

room furniture spotlight lamp vanishing disappearing hair items products test opacity light