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Haunted Castle, this looks so good when you take pictures with your avi!

This is My all time Favorite BAckdrop, out of all I have seen or made!

Lub it!!!!!! I made it for myself, because I have not found anything else i wanted that was simuliar.

this is for taking pictures of your avi and (maybe) chatting. (I dont think people would want to chat in Backdrops!)

Cuz they don't look as good as rooms.... this isn't like a regular room. this is mostly for picture taking. (imo) I wouldnt chat in a backdrop based on it's not like the room experience your use to. i use backdrops for picture purposes useally. if you think it's to pixelated when you view it, it is because it is, but when you take a picture it's perfect! allot of people get confused by a room and a Back drop. this is totally high pixelated, but when you take pictures it's not!

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~~~~ Attention~~~~~~~ This is Not a scene! This is a bACKDROP, ONLY! Basically for picture taking. This is flat screen, Both sides of this backdrop fade away. This is what Backdrops are! They still look 3-D and you may chat in them standing up only in a fwe spots, but again I say this is for pic taking iin my opinion. If you know what a backdrop is already then you will find the quility of my Back drops 100% to the best of a backdrop ability, Thank you :)