Derivable Spoke Wheels for Buggy

Four Spoke Wheels like the kind you have on a buggy or wagon drawn by a horse.
Animation trigger words below.  I have a derivable single wheel too.

Buggy Wheels

You could use them simply as four wheels for whatever reason, or...

Bird Feeder

They fit perfectly on this buggy and all the others derived from it.
The easiest way to place them perfectly on this buggy is to put it on a node but do not slide it around.
Rotate to snap positions is OK.  Then place these wheels on the same node.  They will line up perfectly.
If you do slide the buggy around you will have to manually align the wheels which may be difficult.

Since they fit over and around the original wheels and spokes they are a little thicker.
The bottom will "sink" into the ground below a little.  This is normal, do not raise them.

For best results, use these texture sizes:

00 Hub    = 256 X 256
01 Spoke = 128 X 512
02 Wheel = 512 X 256

Trigger words to make wheels rotate (either will work):

Trigger words to make wheels stop (either will work):

Giddy up!

Check out my other other unique products too!