white and black Movie theater Backdrop, TOTALLY hOT!

this is for taking pictures of your avi and (maybe) chatting.

I PERSONALLY WOULDN'T CHAT IN THIS! IT'S too high pixelated, but when you take pictures of your avi it turns out perfect, all backdrops are like this! this isn't like a regular room. this is mostly for picture taking.

(imo) I wouldnt chat in a backdrop based on it's not like the room experience your use to. i use backdrops for picture purposes useally.

allot of people get confused by a room and a Back drop.

Picture of what the Backdrop looks like below!

This is my First Backdrop I have created. If you are unhappy with this please comment me on my hp so I can fix your unhappiness. Thank you!

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~~~~ Attention~~~~~~~ This is Not a scene! This is a bACKDROP, ONLY! Basically for picture taking. This is flat screen, Both sides of this backdrop fade away. This is what Backdrops are! They still look 3-D and you may chat in them standing up only in a fwe spots, but again I say this is for pic taking iin my opinion. If you know what a backdrop is already then you will find the quility of my Back drops 100% to the best of a backdrop ability, Thank you :)