A suit worn by the Administrator Venus. The one granted the title of Venus is responsible for acquiring funds and necessary technology to further the Team's secret plot. Venus is usually in the high life in busy cities making connections with wealthy and powerful people. Found mainly in cities, Venus' job is to maintain the Team's secret plot, denouncing any negative rumors, while still managing to acquire the technological needs of the Team. She is the only administrator who is in the public spot light.

Check out the other outfits:

Galactic Admin: Jupiter
Galactic Admin: Venus
Galactic Admin: Mars
Galactic Admin: Saturn
Galactic Admin: Mercury
Galactic Admin: Neptune
Galactic Admin: Pluto
Galactic Admin Pants (male)

Team Galactic Administrators

Outfits based on a set of characters made by Nintendo and GameFreak.
Symbol and Name created by Nintendo and GameFreak.
