I was in a mood. Needed chocolate. So my Dad and I took this factory tour. This bizarre man said that he mixes his chocolate in a slow moving river for just the right texture! "Boys and girls the warmth from the melting white and dark chocolate makes just the right temperature to grow my gumdrop grass. Makes them just cheeeeewy good and oh so soft to eat!" Hmmm.... sound kinda familiar? LOL What pissed me off was that my Dad said "you CAN'T have gumdrop grass growing at home" even though I told him I wanted it NOW! What a loser he is! LOL Ok where is my candy bar.... Just a wacky lil creation huh? Add some fun furniture and hang around with your friends! Thanks for taking a peek! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket