Don't settle for cheap imitations... Get The Original... POLYVINYL ....Leave a review if you like it! Thank you!! :33

BORN: June 4TH, 2010
You are purchasing my "ORANGE CRUSH" skin for females.
She's so sweet with her juicy orange, lemon & lime eye shadow!! Yummy orange glossed lips top off her refreshing look. The tiny freckles that have begun to appear on her fair cheeks and chest are a sign that it's time for a bit of sunscreen for this summer time cutie!! ^.-
Her enchanting eyes are called "Lime Cooler" and they can be found in my catalog along with her hair, "Salimu BrightOrange", and her bikini "Orange Bikini".
Enjoy!! :3
Please leave a review if you like it. ^^ Thanks so much!! xDD


My skins are made to look best on the "Polyvinyl HEAD" :

I do not sell or give away my skin templates. A DMCA will be filed against all those who illegally use or copy & edit and submit into their catalog my textures in any way.