"Beep, beep, I am Blot version 1.0.6. How may I help you, sir, madam?" You stare at the blue thing for a second. "Beep, beep, How may I help you sir, madam?" The thing says again. You're not sure if you should answer or not. You see the blue metal shining and wonder if that white coat is real. When you see the animallike nose and the long tail, you assume it must be a cat. "Beep, beep, error. Traceback line 18: No answer given." The thing turns around and walks away.

This is Blot, a catoid. She's half cat, half robot. These are the ears. If you have a problem with this product. Let me know and I'll try my best to help you out.

The fur, ears, tail, hair, hand claws and feet claws are made by me. The wings and shoes are made by GASP, the eyes are by Pop.