Unlike any ship you have seen here! Get MORE for your credits! This is huge!
Welcome aboard this massive Goddess Of The Sea! Elegantly decorated. Gold, brass and copper accents, the finest woods and wall coverings, the finest crystal ever carved, and black velvet carpeting in the Crystal Casino! Even the ceilings did not get spared expensive treatment! Both male and female guests will feel like Royalty! Spoil your guests on a most exquisite tour of the sea on this beautiful Goddess! Loaded with standing spots and furniture nodes. Water and Paddle wheel are animated! 5 rooms, 3 decks and tons of space! Warning: Don't get lost! This ship is HUGE! Enjoy the cruise!
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To anyone having trouble placing furniture: The best way to furnish any multi level room is to stand in the room you are furnishing. Using the tools on the client, click on the "i" for information on how to use the "extra" moves each tool has. Personally, I have found that if I am viewing the furniture item LEVEL with it, it doesn't move to another room quite as often. I know it is difficult to furnish multi level rooms because the furnishings seems to want to go to a different level than the one you are working on! Hopefully, IMVU will make it possible for other levels nodes not to be active unless you are on that level. Just trial and error and a lot of patience is needed currently to furnish multi levels. I'm sorry I couldn't supply you with an "easy" answer!
Permission Code: MPV-002. This is a unique code specifically given to this developer as permission to derive off the Paddle Boat Mesh. If you want to be sure you are not purchasing an item that was stolen, please verify the validity of any code with Either Confusticated or OracleGoddess. Anyone having a bogus code or no code at all has selfishly derived from the original mesh without permission or derived off a stolen mesh. We are trying very hard to protect honest developers and consumers. Please be aware. Do not support blatant theft.