All Aboard! This luxury paddle steamer is elegance pesonnified from a bygone era. Cruise on the beautiful River Queen. Fully customisable to suit your own taste, it has four main rooms, you can add furniture to turn them into cabins, ballroom, dining hall or casino areas. The Grand Staicase leads to a skylight with French doors opening onto the top deck. The top deck also contains the wheelhouse, complete with all guages etc. Balconies surround both decks and there is also a large front deck to lounge on. The paddle wheel turns slowly to push you gently along the river. Permission Code: RCV001. This is a unique code specifically given to this developer as permission to derive off the Paddle Boat Mesh. If you want to be sure you are not purchasing an item that was stolen, please verify the validity of any code with Either Confusticated or OracleGoddess. Anyone having a bogus code or no code at all has selfishly derived from the original mesh without permission or derived off a stolen mesh. We are trying very hard to protect honest developers and consumers. Please be aware. Do not support blatant theft.