They found this field book full of sketches of sleeping Lavender Dragons with the name Draconis Gentilius scribbled underneath and notes about these being the most peaceful and beautiful dragons ever encountered. "I'm so tempted to pet one that i have decided i shall." That is the last entry. The author has never been found.
This Pen Dragon does take commands! It responds to "hi", "dance", and "die". It should have some more commands in the near future. It also has 6 idle animations, and over 1000 frames of animation!
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Collect Them All!!;

Draconis Ostara Springy
Draconis Crackadawnii
Draconis Gentilius
Draconis Roseus
Draconis Mediterano
Draconis Tropicos
Draconis Arcticus
Draconis Sanguinoctus

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