This fun, unique product was created for you by lllHEARTlll - Please try before you buy and thanks for shopping with lllHEARTlll - Copyright (c) Art, textures and maps by lllHEARTlll are protected by copyright - (reproduction of copyrighted material by anyone not authorized to do so is a breach of copyright law) For Cos and Role-players: Demon or Daemon, from the Greek Daiesthai meaning divide or distribute and daimon meaning supernatural being or spirit advisor and guardian. Believed to be demi-gods, beings with divine power, existing between heaven and earth, playing the role of emissary or channel, between humans and the pagan gods. They were often represented by nature, animals and the elements and considered neither good nor bad, though sometimes playful, and mischievous. They served to deliver messages from the gods to humans through voices, dreams, and Sayers. However, if the gods became angered, these same demons were used as pawns to torment, and even possess the offending humans. There exist many ancient tales of demon interaction with humans which include beauty, wisdom, passion, marriage, offspring, betrayal, heartbreak, and anger. Today due to modern translation, cinema, gaming etc., demons are mostly represented as ugly, unintelligent, and malevolent.