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All the mighty wild sounds in one voice box! Yes its for MALE/FEMALE avatars! Use these trigger words to unleash the beast in you! (howl1*, howl2*, howl3*, howl4* - these are some really great howling wild dog sounds! roar*, roar2* - these are some awesome roaring wild cats! bark* - barks, purr* - realistic purring! jungle* - a long series of jungle sounds, growl* - growling, pant* - wild panting, chew* - tiger chewing on its prey oooooo lol, whip* - a tamers whip!) REMEMBER: Plz use the star at the end of each word. Please leave a review =^.^=
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Scrollbars on IMVU message panel!!! Scrollbars on IMVU message panel!!!
Scrollbars on IMVU message panel!!! Scrollbars on IMVU message panel!!!