My Chaos Purple now in a ladies hair style.
It has 4 nice long braids down the back, and ice dressing needles in the hair.
Hair is self illuminated [meaning its visable and the right colour in any surroundings, the ice needles in the hair alter colour depending on the lighting.
Use "try it" to see the hair properly.

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I saw this on some items I bought, and thought I would share the word
Since a lot of people don't seem to know about this.
Please don't take this as against anyone for using the promo credits
I use them too [hey they are free]. I just feel IMVU is wrong for doing this.
It costs Developers a lot to make and submit items [especially at the beginning]. ...
Please don't think this message is Developers being greedy,
In a lot of cases, we are just trying to recoup our costs!
This message has been left as a protest against IMVU, not against the people.