This is the perfect first home . It is dainty & elegant with fairies & butterfly patterns through out. Still it is not over done, just perfect for having a guest over. It is fully furnished & there are poses within this small home, the little pool & fountain in back are a beautiful addition. along with the hammock Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Please leave me a review after you try the product. Go back to shopping & put my name in it will take you to my catalog, then find this item, scroll down and you will see a place to write a review. I implore you please, Dev's really need people to give them personal reviews. This ISN'T like Peer review it is personal & for us to know how you feel about the product & for us to keep our tier level WE NEED YOUR HELP! Bless Be ~AmithystSky