Due to the ongoing ups and downs of this pandemic,
every holiday I shall be collecting products from participating devs and meshers
to build bundles and gift them out to random active people I meet in imvu's public rooms.

I hope to reach at least 150 people each holiday month I do this,
but it is very hard to click so much in short period's of time,
so I will try my best and work hard to exceed my giftbombing goals for victory!

This is to help support the community that include creators and regular members
by sharing something fun with eachother in honor of the people we wish we could be with
and remind ourselves that we are not truly alone and that we are in this together!

This bundle will be giftbombed out for Father's Day weekend
June 18-21, 2021
It's got a lil' something for everyone
even if they aren't a dad or don't have one,
so that they can participate in the fun too :3

Please enjoy the event,
we are very excited and honored to have something of ours be treated to you!