Do not buy. For Developers only!

[DEVELOPERS! This mesh has been updated to load to WALL nodes, plus other enhancements. Click here to use the new version. Or derive from the old mesh below.]

3D developer square Frame with narrow sides for paintings and pictures. Based on a 24x24 inch central picture size with 2-inch frame sides. Each frame side centered and matched at corners. Allows best level of frame detail of my frames to date!

Frame sides are made from a single texture that is ROTATED and CENTERED on each side to allow matching of corners. This frame is narrower than my other developer square frame, but allows for more detail in the frame sides.

For a derivable square frame with wider sides and each side using separate textures (!), click here.
For a derivable, rectangular frame, click here..

Below: An example of a picture made using this mesh. *The painting below is in the public domain and not subject to copyright protection.

Below: Side view of frame showing depth of 3D aspects.

Below: The derived product will have the textures shown below. [Since the textures will also show on this product if purchased, do not buy! This product is for developer derivation only.]

Information for Developers:

AnakaTarren’s Trigger Word List

paintings pictures frames pictureframes fine art fineart developer derived derivation template mesh 3D square room furniture derive