That's right!! Now you can advertise your products DIRECTLY in a room!
Like all those "pro" devs, but in a much easier way just read the how to use and you can make your very own flash billboard in less than 10minutes!
How to use:
Create a new text file called "creator.txt"(Note .txt is the extension you USUALY do not need to write it when you are saving a file as they are saved as txt by default) containing your name.(as shown in the picture below)
While Deriving in the previews turn on advanced mode (Edit->Advanced mode)
After that you will see a bunch of new tabs, click the "CFL Assets" and add the creator.txt you just created that contains your name.
That's it! :D all you need to do now is the normal deriving things liek replaceing the texture on the bilboard and once someone stands on your billboard they will see your name and be taken to your HP/Products page! Quick, Simple easy and effective way!
We all know how lazy people are to go around and find your products, this way all they need to do is click a button and they will be directly in your HP or products page!
Enjoy! ^_^
If you are using notepad there is no need to put the whole "creator.txt" in there, notepad saves as a txt file on it's own, when saving just type in "creator"

So help some people i made this, just type your name in here and save and save it somewhere you will remember, (Do not change the name that it's being saved as, it's all good just click save and then find the locations and save) and use this file:
Hey guys/girl due to IMVU's Tier system that rewards good products, please rate/review my products. I would be most appreciative if u took 20seconds to review and rate my products. This way i could earn IMVU tiers which will allow me to upload products at a lower cost and it doesn't cost you a thing, just 20seconds of you time and would help out in my creator status. Thank you :)

By deriving this products you agree that your product will NOT be derivable, it may be Bundleable, but not derivable.
Check out all the wonderful derivations that people have made of this prodcut! :D Thank you all ^_^