A cool furtue like one man ship that you can move around and shoot down enemys down with Triggers: Noite: there has been some reports that some of the triggers dont work Im not Reasponable for the mess ups of this) Turning: left45, left90, left135, left180, left360 right45, right90, right134, right180, right360 (shortversions are l45, r45 and so on) Moving up: up1, up2, up3, up4, up5 Other commands: swingleft, swingright, accelerate (short: acc), reverse (short: rev), boost1, boost2 Sentinel modes: patrol0, patrol8, patrol360 (loger versions: sentinel0, sentinel8, sentinel360) Aiming the gun: For setting the direction of the gun use: aim1, aim2, aim3 ... till aim12 The angle is set with: aim30, aim50, aim70, aim90, aim105, aim120 and most importent: fire