The Pen Dragon is one of the smallest form of dragons. It's highly prized as familiars by Wizards and Sorcerers for it's magic enhancing properties and relatively tame nature. Unlike most dragons, the Pen Dragon is relatively safe to own, as they neither possess the size nor unpredictable breath weapons of their larger relatives. They are fiercely loyal, but very possessive of their owners. They are extremely demanding pets, and rarely take orders. Wizards who possess a Pen Dragon often comment that they are unsure who the master truly is. And the only other humans who's company they will tolerate are those who possess a pure and unadulterated love for their owner. This can make the Pen Dragon prized for entirely non-magical reasons...

Fortunately for you, this Pen Dragon does take commands! It responds to "hi", "dance", and "die". It should have some more commands in the near future. It also has 6 idle animations, and over 1000 frames of animation!

Don't like the color? Want a different look? DERIVE IT! Make your own special version! Sell it for Profit! You make money, I make money, and everybody's happy! Below are some templates to get you started. You'll can find further templates in the "My Gallery" section of my IMVU Homepage. Deriving requires a Developer's account, a paid IMVU membership, and Previewer. Visit the IMVU Developer section for more details.

This is the Head Map:

This is a "Gray" map, for those of you that just want to change the external color without making a whole new skin:

This is the Body Map:

This is the Gray Body version:

This is the Color Map for the Ears, Wings, Teeth, and Spines:

This is the Gray version:

This is the Opacity Map for those parts. You can change the teeth, the spines, and even cut holes in the wings, simply by adding black or white to this image to match what you've done to the color image. For best results, maximize the contrast between Black and White, and save the final image as a "PNG":

To add sound, I highly recommend you download and use Audacity. It's a free sound editing tool that can export out OGG sound files. OGG sound files compress down to less then 1/10th the file size of WAV files. SO USE OGG FILES!!! You can download it here: