WilyKat and WilyKit (Peter Newman and Lynne Lipton) — Twin siblings (Kat the boy and Kit the girl) who are the youngest (in appearance) members of the ThunderCat team, both based on the wildcat. They are the mischief-makers, and often have their own lessons to learn alongside Lion-O while they live on Third Earth, where they frequently use tricks and traps to combat evil. Kit is the more adventurous, while Kat usually errs on the side of caution. Kit is also the more agile, and at times employs a rolling-attack against the enemy. Their agility is often displayed when they ride their "space boards" — specially designed flying devices shaped like Earth surfboards that can carry them over long distances. Each uses special capsules, balls and other gimmick weapons carried in pouches on their belts. They sometimes use slingshots to fire these at the Mutants or other foes. They also carry trick lariats, with which they can either tangle and ensnare foes, or use to pull themselves out of danger. It should be noted that in the first episode they appeared to be the same age (if not slightly older) then Lion-O, and also went into suspended animation. However, unlike Lion-O, they did not age even though it was established that some aging would take place while in the chamber. However no one else (besides Lion-O) has shown any signs of aging from their time in suspended animation so it was a likely an oversite by the shows creators.