cubism/garbage avatar - female

Try it. No refunds. Deform avatar with angles. Too much big: Is better to use it with an avatar resizer for don't "invade" all the room. I reccomend the "Micro avatar accessory" (link posted below). I noticed that after use this avatar, when I change it for Imvu's default avatar, looks weird too (but more human, lol). Experiment with clothes, skins, gloves, dances, etc (when you use a head, looks veeeeeeeery small and weird placed). In fact, all is weird with this item..
IMPORTANT WARNING!!: I just noticed that this avatar afects to my Imvu's default avatar, and looks surreal as the last image I've posted here (I noticed when I did the peer review, and my basic avatar looks horrible, lol). Don't panic: To restore the normal basic avatar, go to your client chat - settings - advanced - and clear your Imvu cache. I noticed too, that when this happens, to use certain poses or sit on a chair is suffice to restore the avatar to normality.

In case you're not sure, don't buy this item

*** movement at upper image, is due the avatar is placed on an animated standing spot ***

*** below, the glitch I can see when I use the basic/default Imvu avatar, after this item ***

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