Plz try BEFORE you buy & Plz write a review ^^

...really tells the time!!!

Set it with one click!!!

These can be placed at in two ways - either by just clicking on it, or by selecting it 'manually'. To set it manually you type an hour, followed by h, and then in minutes, followed by m. For example, if the 2:08 type 2h, then you 8m. If »10:30 type 10h, followed by 30m. In one minute until midnight, you type 11h (or 23h), and 59m, and so forth. Around the clock and will continue to show the correct time for as long as you have a window open and active, but note that if others join the room with a clock in after you've put it, they will see at the default until you set it in their presence. ...

That`s A real cLock[transparent][Without a background]

...really tells the time!!! Set it with one click!!!