We are far removed from the petty squabbles of the lesser races. Here we are able to practice magic and our martial arts perfecting them.

This outfit depicts the heavy armour of an Eagle Knight. The Eagle Knights are the elite warriors of high social rank. Charged firstly with protection of the Elven Borders patroling along usually at the head of a small group of elven warriors.

This order of warriors take their name from the Great Eagles that the Elven people have such an affinity for, indeed some of these men and women train eagles to carry them on their patrols of the borders so they can respond far quicker than interlopers expect. Many however prefer the simplicity of an elven warhorse. They wear an elven cuirass combined with scale and chainmail for unparreled protection.

Eagle Knights are choson from the the noble households along the borders of Elven territory as it is these who have most interest in keeping the borders secure.

This item is armoured skirt ONLY look in my cat for other pieces.