ok i know i always make old ships, this one is a rare one on request, A brand new spotless ship, lets say imperial state the ship is fully acsesable and light in kb's so even the lower end computers should be able to enjoy it,... to open the floor hatches type --os--close---cs---big screens are animated type-----on,aan---check*---off,ofline,uit---a2,alarm,doei---red,alert,alarm2---party*volume*---fail,done---fail*,run,kapot---a1,press---error,offline*---breach,broke,perish,faal---trapson,vallen---trapsoff,vallenuit---close,c,cc,rc,cs---open,o,oo,ro,so---secure,save,veilig---volume,dance,party,play---menu---musix,dj,mixer---0---...For ship sounds TYPE----alert*--humm--humm2--humm3--shut--start1--start2--....FOR SHIP AI COMP TYPE --afraid--100%--cantalow--gbye--gbye2--human--mission--lips--doing--sing----((in the loading dock is a bag with a loop ambient sound spot)) or play a retro shooting game in the mesh, Enjoy catalog-impship