Yay!!! It works!!! :DDD


Well someone had to create one of these... avatars need entertainment too! (tehee)

it took me longer then i expected... spent half the time figuring how to use the template from http://www.imvu.com/catalog/product_info.php/Books/Fully-derivable-book-F-by-Eamonn2007/products_id/254468 ... turns out to be a different perception in orientation... where her "front/back" is what I concidered as "top/bottom"...

to avoid copyright issues. I created the cover from scratch using only sudoku grids found from the net then rendering everything in Adobe Photoshop... cover design was probably inspired by the numerous books i have bought in real world lol

first "object" submitted... figured the book face was not much difference to the babyT texture from the tutorial I actually quite like the outcome :)... just for a bit of sillyness... I added a pencil in there too... the pencil is 2D and stuck too the book but hay! I'm new to this kinda stuff :D

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