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Another bundle brought to you from COLLABERATIVE CREATIONS. This bundle is aimed at mostly the female members of IMVU, as it is an opportunity to completely pamper yourself and your girl friends. Featuring a lovely room with pool (animated swimming), private beach with a flowing river and plenty of room inside to place furniture which includes a sofa which plays you tube videos, a relaxing foot spa in the shape of a flower, a Pedicure Chair and Manicure Table, a place to get your avatars hair cut, towels and a matching hot tub, 2 massage tables to have or give a relaxing massage, a tree stump featuring a shoulder massage action for you and a partner also a BBQ to sit with your friends. Also includes a yacht whihc can be placed on the flowing river. A bundle to pamper yourself and your friends. Please feel free to click on the above thumbnails to look at each product included in this bundle. PLEASE NOTE none of the contents of this bundle are Adult Pass.

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