
This is an awesome 4 in a row game that lets you play against other players in your private chats or public chat rooms. Read the instructions carefully!

To use this game type the color (blu or red) followed by the numbered row you wish the chip to appear followed by the lettered column in which you want the chip to appear. For example: To make the red or blue chip appear in the bottom left you would type into the chat (just as you would any normal trigger) 'red1a' or 'blu1a' (note the absence of the 'e' in blue). Once the keyword is triggered the piece drops into place. The grid lets you easily determine the keyword needed to drop your piece into play. If you really have trouble getting the hang of it, message me and I'll be happy to show you how to work it.

Simply use your furniture tool to create a copy of the game board. Delete the original board and move the copy back into the original place. Or alternatively leave and re-enter the room.

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