Tatties & Neeps

Throughout the Scottish Highlands, you shall see gardens filled with many root vegetables.
These foods would store and keep well during the fierce highland winters.

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Included in this Highland Garden you shall find some of my favourite root veggies!
A grand, strong, old, highly detailed fence surrounds this fine Highland Garden. Inside,
the veggies make a wonderful side dish to Haggis! Tatties (Potatoes) & Neeps (Turnips)
shall bring out the flavours in your meal! All you need do is add the Haggis! Look closely and
and find your veggies beginning tae pop out of the ground! Very detailed textures make this garden
feel as if you are right there! I hope you enjoy this Highland Garden!!!
Should you enjoy this fine Highland Garden, please browse my catalogue tae find another simply
wonderful “Highland Garden” filled with Carrots, Leeks and onions!

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