Omni; born on a planet with a young blue sun, he failed into a cosmic portal that struck his planet, now he finds himself on a planet with a yellow-red sun. This environment gave him vast powers that made him the leading champion on his new home world. His powers includes a personal gravitational field that he can expand to deflect objects or use it to propel himself, cosmic vision that sees into infinity or see into the subatomic level, ability to change the molecular structure of himself or others, an increase in his intelligence that makes him one of the smartest beings in the known galaxy, he can control density of himself or others and can live without breathing which make him a force in space and under the water. This bundle comes with impact Omni lens, Omni shoulder harness, Omni pants and Omni boots all are animated. Get one today for yourself or gift one to your friend. And as always, thanks for stopping by to shop with Jaloly1