VOICE BOX TRIGGERS ARE (awno) (aww) (awyeh) (back) (brb) (duh) (huh) (uhuh) (ilu) (iluvu!) (mmm) (nah) (no) (noo) (notouch) (0hoh) (omg) (ooo) (plz) (rofl) (sexy) (touchy) (uhooh) (unoilu) (watever) (woo) (wow) (yawn) )yeess) (yehaa) (yes) AND WE HAVE A BONUS ONE (STARLEY) thank you its just a advertisement for my products please leave a review C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorApplication DataIMVU PreviewerProductFilesderived_4404584_b original suit with voice box.cfl yo check this suit out i seen a lot of similar suits ok but none with a 32 trigger voice box sooooooooo please wear it with pride coz not only have you got a suit in a class of its own you also got a voice box and the price im asking is nothing because it never cost me a lot sooo you just paying for wat i payed and a little for my time thank you